Militaria & Ethnographica Specialist Oonagh Drage picks her 10 Lots to Watch in the 28th June Sale
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Militaria & Ethnographica: 10 Lots to Watch
Lot 27
A Second World War MC Group of Seven Medals, awarded to Rodney Howell Palmer, 12th Lancers, comprising
Military Cross, 1939-45 Star. Africa Star with clasp 8TH ARMY, France and Germany Star, Defence Medal, War
Medal and Coronation Medal 1953, swing mounted as worn.
Footnote: - Rodney Howell Palmer MC (24 November 1907 – 24 April 1987), father-in-law of the vendor, was an
English cricketer who played for Hampshire County Cricket Club between 1930 and 1933. He joined the 12th
Lancers in 1930. He served in the Second World War and was awarded the Military Cross in 1943, along with
other officers, "in recognition of gallant and distinguished services in the Middle East". He was High Sheriff of
Berkshire in 1953 when he was living at Peasemore Manor.
Lot 28
The Kingdom of Norway - Order of St. Olav, Civil Division, Commander's Neck Badge by J Tostrup, Oslo, in
silver gilt and enamel, the suspender loop marked JT 925 S, in Tostrup case of issue.
Footnote : - Presented to the vendor's late husband, Andrew Eustace Palmer, CMG. CVO, (1937-2019) who
was a British Diplomat from 1961 to 1995, being Her Brittanic Majesty’s Ambassador to the Holy See from 1991
to 1995
Lot 35
A First World War Military Cross, awarded to Second Lieutenant William Gilbert Dyer of the Durham Light
Infantry, in case of issue, together with research material.
Footnote :- Second Lieutenant William Gilbert Dyer, the vendor's late father-in-law, was awarded the MC for
conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty, leading his platoon forward no less than three times and causing
heavy casualties to the enemy during the very severe fighting in France in 1918. He was wounded twice.
Originally from West Hartlepool, Lieutenant Dyer was working in Canada at the outbreak of the War. When the
call for Volunteers went out, he was turned down by the Canadian Army so he returned to England and after
several attempts he enlisted with the 19th Durhams as a Private. He worked his way up through the ranks and
was selected for a commission in November 1917. He died at the age of 80 in 1969.
Lot 73
A Second World War Rotol Spitfire Propeller Blade, in laminated wood finished in black with yellow tip and a
brass sheathing fitted along the leading edge, with ringed and threaded steel hub, the underside marked 408,
the rubber washer/base plate moulded R.A.3102, on a circular wood plinth, measures 141cm from tip to base of
hub, 145cm overall.
Lot 120
An Interesting Collection of Items Relating to Commander Anthony Bevis Lockhart D.S.C., Royal Navy, (1890-
1939), comprising a leather bound folder of his Certificates dating from 15th September 1906 (Midshipman,
HMS Argyll) to 12th May 1936 (Commander, HMS Victory), a gilt tooled blue morocco bound hand-written
notebook "A.B.L. OVERSEAS TRIPS V.1. G.3. R.7. 1916-1918", a leather cased miniature portrait overpainted
photograph, a framed display of rank braid and collar tabs, and a large leather bound scrapbook containing his
commission to Sub-Lieutenant 15th November 1909, a parchment scroll from King George V dated 30th July
1919, numerous photographs, newspaper cuttings, Post Office Telegraphs, greetings cards, official programmes
for Queen's Club, West Kensington Rugby Football Matches between Officers of the Royal Navy and Officers of
the Army etc
Footnote : - Captain Lockhart was born at Leicester in 1890 and joined the Royal Navy in 1905. After his
promotion to Lieutenant in 1911, he went on to specialise in submarine warfare, serving throughout the First
World War, followed by three years as the Senior Instructional Officer of the Submarine Service. He retired from
the Navy in 1936, having been Chief of Staff to the Admiral commanding the coast of Scotland for the past four
years. He rejoined the Navy at the outbreak of the Second World War, despite the fact that he had heart trouble.
Unfortunately, he was taken ill and was forced to retire in early December 1939, sadly passing away shortly
Lot 143
A Rare First World War Tank Driver's Leather Helmet, of four panelled construction secured by steel rivets, the
two centre panels extending down to form a neck protector, the two side panels each punched with three
ventilation holes, with leather sweatband and chinstrap
Lot 144
A Bavarian Dragoon Officer's Black Leather Helmet, (Raupenhelm), circa 1870, with one-piece skull surmounted
by a black wool comb, with front and back visor, brass crown over entwined L helmet plate, embossed brass lion
mask and ring ear pieces, the left side with a brass and blue enamelled kokard, leather chin strap with brass
hooks and buckle, and with leather liner.
Lot 267
A 19th Century Asmat "Ndambirkus" Ancestor Skull, New Guinea, the eye sockets filled with wax/resin
impressed with grey seed pods, the nasal bone horizontally set with a pierced bone "bipane" secured by a piece
of wax/resin further impressed with grey seed pods, the mandible set on either side with rings of twisted
vegetable fibre pendant with tassels of cassowary bird feathers, all later mounted on a barley twist wood display
Lot 335
A Mid-17th Century German Wheel-lock Sporting Gun, the 64cm octagonal swamped steel barrel with seven
groove rifling, the hammer and spring plate engraved with foliage, the lock plate engraved with a stag hunting
scene, the walnut full stock with groove to each side of the fore-end, with stag horn fore-end tip and ramrod pipe,
with steel sling swivel, set trigger with triple finger groove guard, the right side of the butt with key compartment
enclosed by a stag horn sliding cover, the left side of the butt with concave cheekpiece, set with further stag horn
mounts and with frilled leaf carved tracery, with bone mounted wood ramrod, 93.5cm
Lot 360
A Webley-Bentley Type 80 Bore Five Shot Double Action Revolver by G. H. Lee, Basnett St., Liverpool, with
blued finish, the 12.5cm octagonal barrel signed to the top flat, with Birmingham proof marks, hinged rammer set
to the left side, with chequered walnut grip scales, contained in a mahogany case, the green baize lined interior
fitted with accessories comprising a foliate embossed darkened copper pistol flask, an ebony handled turnscrew
and nipple key, steel bullet mould, steel cleaning rod, nickel oil flask, cap tin and lead bullets.

Oonagh Drage
Militaria, Ethnographica Specialist, General Valuer
+ 44 (0) 1969 623780
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