High-quality mint collection of the surface-printed Victorian issues, 146 different, with 1857 4d rose, 6d deep lilac and 1/- green, 1862-64 small letters to 1/- (6d unused not counted), 1865-67 with very fresh 4d vermilion pl.14 and nice 6d lilac pl.5, the 9d looking cleaned and 1/- possibly overuse of watermark fluid - neither counted. Then 1867-80 extremely attractive incl.10d and 1/- pl.4, also 6d deep chestnut pl.11 with lovely colour, the 9d straw pl.4 unused signed Buhler. The 1873-80s coloured letters issues with lovely colours incl. 3d rose pl.20, 1/- pl.11 through to 8d orange, 1/- orange-brown pl.14, the 3d and 6d surcharges, etc, followed by 1883-84 high values, lilac and greens complete (top values with toned gum), jubilees and 1891 £1 with pen-strike so not counted. There will be some regummed stamps here inevitably, inspection required. Catalogue well over £60,000.
£3,000-4,000 (plus buyer's premium)

North-East China People's Post
1949 World Federation of Trade Unions, Asiatic and Australasian Conference, Peking, $35,000 blue (SG.NE263) in top margin block of four unused. Original printing with fingers lightly shaded. Minor wrinkles in lower-left stamp. A scarce multiple. Cat. £9,200 as singles.
£750-1,000 (plus buyer's premium)

Impressive mint collection housed in six boxed Davo albums, the QV simplified, then highly complete 20th century only missing the 1928 surcharge. Highlights include 1891 ½d surcharge bisect, KEVII set to 5/- (the 2d used), KGV 1912-20 complete with 5/- shades and £1 extremely lightly if at all hinged, 1929-37 penguin set with £1 MNH, 1933 Centenary set very clean and attractive quality (SG.127/138, cat. £4,250), followed by KGVI complete and virtually complete thereafter through to 2023. The later volumes have comprehensive Dependencies and Antarctic Territory from first issues to 2023. Also a binder with miscellaneous incl. KGV 5/- and booklets.
£1,000-1,500 (plus buyer's premium)

Mint collection of several thousand stamps neatly presented in four Davo albums, highlights including Algeria 1927 10fr (SG.69), Equatorial Africa 1944 'Résistance' and 'Libération' surcharges (SG.193/206, 109/216), Indo-China SG.12/18 and official sets of 1933 (SG.O197/O212) and 1934 (SG.O219/234), Madagascar 1896-97 postage due set (SG.D17/D23, 1fr signed twice), New Caledonia 1932 Paris-Noumea Flight duo (SG.183/184, cat. £1,000) and 1941 'France Libre' set of 35 (SG.232/266), New Hebrides 1938 postage and due sets with and without 'France Libre' (SG.F53/F76, FD65/FD69/81), Reunion CFA surcharges on cities high values (SG.330/332), Syria 25pi on 5fr (SG.77), as well as all the 1939 Bastille anniversary sets, etc, etc.
£750-1,000 (plus buyer's premium)

Lot: 174 Malaysia: Japanese Occupations of Malaya
The postal history, collateral and literature, filling a clear container. The main postal history volume starts with a series of official notifications to family of the whereabouts of a British soldier: missing, found as PoW of the Japanese, and eventually recovered by Allied forces, along with a pair of his PoW cards from Taiwan Camp, leading on to a varied range of covers (23) and postal stationery (28) incl. used 2cts Perak cards with Kanji ovpts, various uprated stationery, examples of a 'Green Envelope' with text in Hindi unused and used (Penang commercial cancel) both with Japanese seal handstamps on reverse, also an immaculate unused Straits Settlements 15cts registered envelope with Kanji ovpt and 27cts surcharge. The many commercial covers include Penang Dai Nippon ovpt on 8cts grey single usage on 'On Government Service' cover returned to sender. Philatelic covers include Penang Okugawa seal handstamp 3cts with 5cts FDC and 8cts FDC (SG.J58/J60), Selangor Exhibition (SG.J90/J91), Kedah type Dai Nippon ovpt low values FDC (SG.J1/J3), etc, as well as revenue/receipt usages incl. attractive pink returned receipt with Perak 10cts block of ten with Kanji ovpts. Another binder has postmarks alphabetically organised, with more on loose cards, latter with mint and used stamps to investigate. Plus a useful collection of literature on this area. Highly recommended.
£400-500 (plus buyer's premium)

Pro Juventute
Wonderful collection of the youth charity stamps, mint and used and on covers and FDCs, as well as booklets and other forms of official issue, written-up in 22 volumes with much of the best material placed in a stockbook for safe-keeping. Includes the forerunners with the set of three languages MNH incl. scarce 'un anno di sole' (cat. SFr.1,200) as well as the first booklet (10rp x15, purple cover), then highlights incl. 1913 #1 used block (cat. SFr.550), scarce 1915 5cts Apfenzeller Knabe booklet pane immaculate MNH, 1916 3cts on cover, 1918 set on cover, 1919 set in blocks of four on separate covers (cat. SFr840 for off-cover blocks), likewise blocks on cover sets for 1926 to1929 complete, 1930 set on FDCs (cat. SFr.800), 1939 set FDC, 1941 souvenir sheet used and on cover (cat. SFr.1,150), 1953 butterfly and beetle tête-bêche sheet MNH (cat. SFr.500) and the two booklets, both 1954 booklet types, etc, etc. The collection continues essentially complete in all the following formats: MNH blocks, used blocks, FDCs (often with blocks), booklets, maximum cards and PTT presentation cards, right through to 1999. Outstanding quality throughout. From the collection of Tony Hoyle, former President of the Helvetia Philatelic Society of Great Britain.
£1,000-1,250 (plus buyer's premium)

Extensive mint part of the collection in 14 loose-leaf albums and 4 supplementary stockbooks (not duplicates), highly complete KGVI printings with shades going beyond the catalogue, listed and unlisted retouches and flaws in positional margin blocks, coil join strip sets, booklet panes, etc. Unlike the used part (see next lot), this specialisation here extends into the early QEII issues. To give an idea, Ascension with 1938-53 pictorials (36) with all main perf varieties including two good flaws not noticed by the collector: 1½d 'cut mast and railings' MNH (SG.40cb, cat. £400) and scarce 2/6d 'davit' flaw (SG.45ca, cat. £1,400), Australia 'robes' set with all printings of 3d and high values, Bahrain KGVI complete, Basutoland SG.64a MNH, Bermuda 1938-53 high values (35) with many good printings, Ceylon near-complete perfs incl. 50cts SG.394a MNH, Cyrenaica complete with postage set MNH, Gibraltar 1938-51 comprehensive perf types incl. SG.123a, Hong Kong with near-complete printings 1938-1962 incl. 1938 $10 SG.161 MNH toned as usual, Malaysian States incl. Kelantan 1937-40 Sultan Ismail to $2 (SG.40/53), Newfoundland 1923 and 1928 sets MNH, excellent South Africa bi-lingual pairs postage and official ovpts, etc, etc. Also the omnibus sets from 1935 jubilee (with Egypt) to Churchill etc, appearing complete, MNH on many incl. Hong Kong silver wedding $10. Generally extremely fresh, a lifetime's work. Catalogue at least £100,000. Please also see from this collector Lots 77, 89, 91, 103, 110, 129, 162-4, 175-7, 203-4 and 240.
£5,000-7,500 (plus buyer's premium)

Impressive used part of the collection, in eight loose-leaf albums, highly complete on KGVI including many perf and shade varieties, accompanied by some good material from previous reigns QV onwards, the quality generally very high with effort made to acquire neat postmarks. Better pre-KGVI noted includes Ascension 1934 1d 'teardrops' flaw (SG.22a), 1935 Jubilee omnibus looking complete save Egypt, Australia with 5/- kangaroo and 1932 Sydney Harbour Bridge set, Canada 400+ pre-cancels QV onwards, Malta 1911 2d grey broken crown (SG.51c), etc. The depth on KGVI is exemplified by the Bermuda high values, 37 different organised by printing and paper types with five 12/6d (incl. SG.120d), four £1 values, etc. Other highlights are Bahrain complete, Brunei 5cts retouch perf variety (SG.82c), 1948 Silver Wedding omnibus complete, Malaysian States with most KGVI-period sets complete incl. Perlis, Pacific Islands postal fiscal types incl. Western Samoa 1948 30/- (SG.211), Somaliland Protectorate 1938 set (SG.93/104), excellent range of South Africa regular and official bi-lingual pairs incl. 1940 10s official in vertical and horizontal pairs (SG.O29), etc, etc. Catalogue exceeding £50,000, though inevitably some non-contemporaneous or philatelic-origin postmarks here. Please inspect.
£2,000-2,500 (plus buyer's premium)

Lot: 204 British Commonwealth, including Great Britain
British Commonwealth Booklets
Collection of over 250 booklets (of which 15 are GB 1935-53) in two albums, 1930s-'70s, organised chronologically and by country, including Australia SG.SB30a through to MB2, good Canada, Ireland incl. SB11 and SB13, Hong Kong 1965 pair, Ceylon, Jamaica, Kuwait SB1, Kenya/Uganda/Tanganyika, Southern Rhodesia incl. SB4, Tristan da Cunha, St. Helena and Ascension, Mauritius SB1/3 with two shades of SB2 cover, Samoa 1962 complete (SB7/10), British Solomon Islands SB1/4 with two of each stapled on opposite sides, etc. Many seldom-seen items here. Condition generally excellent with cat. over £6,500.
£400-600 (plus buyer's premium)

Carton of vintage philatelic material in cigar boxes, envelopes, glassines, approval books, etc, with very interesting postal history including covers to and from Maharaja of Cooch Behar, small stack of 19th century postal stationery, also a fantastic group of Greenland parcel post frankings (an ancestor was on arctic expeditions) five forms with ten Polar Bears) up to 2kr - a high relatively high cost for these parcel forms. Also four albums of GB and Commonwealth, incl. Falklands centenary set to 5/- penguin mint (latter stuck at top edge). Close inspection of this is recommended.
£300-400 (plus buyer's premium)